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What Are Your Hopes For Your Pets in 2020?

Writer's picture: Mindy SchwartzMindy Schwartz

Common wisdom used to be that each year that a cat or dog lived was equivalent to seven human years. Current research has shown this really isn't true. You can use this link to calculate how old your pet really is in human years: .

The truth is that dogs and cats cram a lot of living into a relatively short number of years. In order to be sure that they stay healthy and happy at any age it's important to be alert to any changes in their physical condition and nutritional needs. If you ever have any questions about your pets' nutrition, I'm here to help.

In 2020 I'd like this space to become a community of pet lovers. Please share the highlights of your pets' 2019, and then tell us your plans and hopes for the New Year. You will have to sign in, but I promise that you won't be signing up to receive any spam.

I'll go first...

Pictured above are my dogs, Rocky, Alma and Wrangler.

Rocky will be 13 years old in 2 months. That means that in people years he is 82 years old.

Alma is 5 years old, which makes her 38 years old in people years.

Wrangler is 2 years old, which means he is 16 in people years.

Having 3 dogs, especially when one is a senior, means a lot of trips to the vet, but 2019 was a good year for our dogs. They were all mostly healthy and happy. Wrangler, who started the year as a puppy-in-training for Canine Companions for Independence ( became our very happy forever pet, or as we CCI puppy raisers like to call them, a "change of career" dog.

My wish for all pets is health and happiness. I resolve to feed each of mine the healthiest diets I can, with recipes that have been created to address their specific health needs. My resolutions also include brushing their teeth, taking them for walks, giving them lots of love and making sure they visit the vet and get their required vaccinations or titers.

In 2020 and the future, I resolve to keep you informed about the latest research on pet nutrition, and updated on any pet food recalls. I'd like 4 Legged Balance to be your "go-to" site for any questions about your pet's diet. Let's work together to have happy and healthy pets no matter how old they are in dog, or people, years.

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Jan 16, 2020

Meredith, I’m sorry you can’t raise a puppy now, but you are definitely doing what is best for Luna. My Rocky is almost 13 , so I’ve decided not to inflict any more puppies on him. Fortunately, the puppy program manager at CCI understands. They are grateful for whatever we can do as volunteers. I love that photo of you and Ozma! Mindy


Meredith Murray
Jan 12, 2020

UPDATE: So I set up my house for the new pup, Ozma. Had to put up baby gates, move everything she could get into, set up puppy pads, put out her bed and set up her kennel. My cat, Luna just sat quietly and watched me.

This was last Friday.

My friend, Rob came with me to pick Ozma up, at CCI in Oceanside. I fell in love the minute I saw her! She is a little angel! Such a beautiful, sweet pup!

We finally get her back to my place & Luna was downstairs waiting at the door for me. I put Ozma’s kennel on the floor and opened it so she could come out.

Luna took one look…


Meredith Murray
Jan 03, 2020

Love your post, Mindy! Happy New Year!

2019 wasn’t the best year for me. In February 2019, my beloved, 6-year-old pet cat, Bear had to be put to sleep...after suffering for hours at the vet hospital. This was very sudden and the whole experience was very traumatizing, to say the least.

In March, I rescued a cat from the Humane Society. She is very shy but has finally warmed up to me...sometimes! I have heard that this behavior is common for female cats. Bear was my 1st cat. He was very affectionate. Luna is very beautiful and she is getting used to me, I think.

Anyway, tomorrow at noon, I am picking up Ozma from Canine Companions (!! She is…


Mindy Schwartz
Mindy Schwartz
Jan 02, 2020

I'll remember 2019 as the year that Bibi, our Aussie, slowed down a little. We are cherishing these later years and her floppy, calm presence is such a blessing.

I look forward to more of the same in 2020.

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